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  • What happens in a workshop?
    At a workshop you will learn to perform a simple ballet routine ("enchainement") inspired by one of the great classical ballets. You will also learn the structure of a ballet lesson and execute simple barre and centre exercises. You will also understand a variety of ballet terminology and the foundation techniques. TYPICAL FORMAT​​​​​​​​: Introduction to the workshop Understand the vocabulary Warm up our bodies Simple barre exercises REFRESHMENT BREAK, including some history and context to one of the ballet classics Simple centre exercises Introduction the ballet Learn and perform an enchainement inspired by one of the ballet classics
  • How do I pay for classes & workshops?
    You can book and pay for classes & workshops online, or you can pay cash on the day. However, class sizes are limited to 20, so if lots of people book in advance, we may have to turn people away on the day. Best to book online to guarantee a spot!
  • A 4 hour workshop is a long time - will we be dancing all that time?
    No! Don't worry! Over the 4 hours, we will spend about 2.5 hours in total on our feet, dancing and choreographing. We spend about 30-40 minutes sat down learning about ballet steps and the ballet classic that we base the workshop on. The rest of the time: breaks & refreshments! Have a look at the question "What happens in a workshop" to get a feel for the structure of a workshop.
  • What should I wear?
    You will need ballet shoes (or lightweight trainers, jazz shoes, non-slip socks or even soft pumps) and comfortable clothes (a leotard and tights or leggings are ideal), ​ If you do bring pumps or shoes, bring socks as well as it is useful to be able to really feel the floor for some of what we do. We do have some ballet shoes you can borrow, but only if you are size 3-5 (let us know if you would like to borrow a pair). Alternatively, Dance Direct sell dance shoes for very reasonable prices.
  • Who is behind Ballet without Barres?
    Ballet without Barres is run by Ketta and Jane. Click here to find out more.
  • Do I need ballet shoes?
    No! If you have ballet shoes, then great! If not, lightweight trainers, jazz shoes, non-slip socks or even soft pumps will do perfectly well ​ If you do bring pumps or shoes, bring socks as well as it is useful to be able to really feel the floor for some of what we do. We also have a few pairs of ballet shoes you can borrow, but only if you are size 3-5 (let us know in advance if you would like to borrow a pair).
  • Help! I have a question and it's not answered here!
    No worries. Simply use our Contact Form to drop us a line and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.
  • Is there an age limit?
    Workshops and classes are designed for adults only, but there is no upper age limit. Our oldest attendee at a workshop was in her late 70s - she sat out one or two things but participated in most of the workshop and had a great time overall!
  • Does it matter if I have no ballet experience?
    Absolutely not! Our workshops and classes are designed for total beginners, either as a one-off taster session or to provide a foundation to go on to take regular classes. It can also be just something different to do on an afternoon.
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